Formerly Yummyholic. Still made with love.


I offer tiered pricing and options that are fair for my labor and allow me to remain sustainable, but it’s also rooted in my intent to be as accessible as possible to patrons.

I believe economic practices that emphasize community and mutual aid have always been a natural part of friendship and family networks. With the consequences of growing economic disparities more apparent than ever, incorporating bartering into my business is my own small way of trying to engage in alternative economic exchange on a greater collective level and encourage mutual aid in our community.

With fixed financial costs in my business, I still need to prioritize monetary exchanges. However, I will start to post an updated list of products or services that I am open to bartering below. If you have something to offer that aligns with my needs but isn’t specifically mentioned, please feel free to reach out and ask if exchange is possible.

Bartering will be based on my current pricing and options. For example, I offer two dozen basic printed cookies at $72; I am open to exchanging for a product or service equal to this value.



What I am currently open for barter and why:

Self-care and healing services like massage or sound bath.

  • I’ve been much more prone to physical pain in recent years and seek healing services regularly
  • I’m interested in pursuing certification in practices like sound bath to add to my toolbox of healing that I can offer to the community

Bookstore gift cards that allow me to purchase textbooks and materials for continuous learning.

  • I am working toward licensure as a professional counselor and art therapist and continue to sustain expenses related to my academic and professional development
  • I enjoy reading various books regularly for personal development as well

Products that encourage my joy like LEGOs, Gundam models, Godzilla art, pop culture, and restaurant gift cards.

  • Building LEGOs and Gundam models are joyful hobbies of mine
  • Other products that give me joy are Godzilla things, mechs, and Asian American cultural products
  • I really enjoy supporting local restaurants and coffee shops


Some LEGOs, Gundams, and mechs I've built! ☺